Capital Campaign Administration Expenses2016-12-03T02:22:50+00:00

Capital Campaign Administration Expenses – $7.2 Million

Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante will develop a spirit of good stewardship, as we manage this historic campaign over the next eight years throughout 117 parishes and missions over 43,967 square miles.

The estimated administrative costs associated with the campaign are approximately seven cents per dollar raised, ensuring that the vast majority of funds collected are dedicated to the priorities of our Diocese, strengthening our parishes, empowering our youth and young adults, and assisting those most in need.

We give thanks to God for the sacrificial giving and generosity of the faithful in the Diocese of Phoenix, and strive to take great care in the responsibility of each dollar collected. We commit to being good stewards of your generosity, and we thank you for helping us build up the Kingdom of God!

Why does this page look different?2020-10-09T20:57:41+00:00

The Diocese of Phoenix has recently made a change to a new online vendor and our look has also changed.

How do I get access to my account information?2020-10-09T20:56:10+00:00

At this time, access to any previous established accounts is unavailable. We are working with our new vendor to make this an available feature.

I would like information about my account. Who do I contact?2020-10-09T20:57:06+00:00

For us to provide the best possible service, please call Donor Services at (602) 354-2235 or email us at and someone will be able to assist you.

How are projects like buildings or improvements discipleship and evangelization?2017-04-27T14:25:34+00:00

Projects such as making improvements to a parish hall or installing a more efficient air conditioning unit may not seem like “evangelization” at first glance. The truth is that they allow parishioners and visitors to enter into Mass or events held at the parish in comfort. People will want to return!

What is the difference between these funds and the endowment established at the “Today’s Children Tomorrow’s Leaders” campaign 23 years ago?2017-02-01T17:09:52+00:00

Through the endowment established in the last campaign, we able to provide only a limited amount of resources. The need is far greater, and the current campaign will allow for more than double the current support for the next 20 years.

What is the difference between the proposed assistance and Catholic Education Arizona?2017-02-01T16:26:56+00:00

Catholic Education Arizona is a State tax credit that allows families to redirect their tax dollars to a Catholic school in this Diocese. The Tuition Assistance fund allows principals to work with the superintendent to provide immediate funding for tuition assistance for families that need financial support throughout the year.

Where do priests currently go after retirement?2017-09-20T17:59:40+00:00

Many priests choose to live alone in private residences or with family as the Diocese does not currently provide housing, and for some priests this is real challenge. Regina Cleri will allow for the opportunity for many priests to make the choice to live in intentional community with their brother priests who they have served with for the past several decades.

What if I support these organizations already?2017-02-01T16:18:20+00:00

Thank you for your support to one or many of these great organizations! Your gift to this campaign allows for additional support, united with fellow Catholics of the Diocese, to assist in a much broader capacity.

How are these organizations different than government services or other NGOs?2017-02-01T16:18:02+00:00

Each organization is totally committed to our Catholic faith in every area of their work. Unlike other organizations that focus on simply societal change, members of the Francis Mercy Fund commit to the whole person: mind, body, and spirit as Christ gave the example for His followers.  

Grand Canyon University? Isn’t that an Evangelical school?2017-02-01T16:15:29+00:00

Yes! Grand Canyon University was founded as an evangelical protestant university. The Diocese has worked hard to forge strong relationships to assist GCU in meeting the spiritual needs of Catholics within their student body.

What types of projects do the Newman Centers hope to accomplish?2017-02-01T16:16:00+00:00

Each center has specific goals based on their unique needs, and the mission of the Church. These range from buildings to host social events and prayer opportunities to enrichment programs that give opportunities for students to better integrate their faith in the public square.

I don’t have any children in college. Why support a Newman Center?2017-02-01T16:15:51+00:00

Newman Centers were established at universities in our Diocese to respond to the sacramental and communal needs of Catholic young adults on non-catholic campuses. While you may not have a student who would directly benefit from a Newman Center, the programs offered aim to help young people integrate the higher education they receive with their Catholic faith. These students will become active leaders in our communities and parishes alike.

My children have graduated from school. Why is this important to me?2017-02-01T16:49:04+00:00

Our children are the future of our society, and their formation in Catholic school is critical to the ways in which they will live out their Catholic faith beyond school, through college, and into adulthood. Although you or others may not have children in school, the students who will be educated at our Catholic schools will become pivotal members of our society who will be shaping our culture and communities for Christ.

Who will manage and run the new school?2018-10-26T14:17:42+00:00

The school is lead by religious sisters from the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, one of the largest and most dynamic group of sisters in the country. With a primary charism of education, the sisters are opening faithful Catholic institutions that go against the trend that many schools are being closed because of low attendance or rising costs. Sr. Mary Jordan Hoover, O.P. serves as principal, and brings over twenty years of experience in forming young minds and hearts for Christ.

What ministries will benefit from this funding?2020-10-07T20:55:50+00:00

The ministries that are currently supported through the Charity and Development Appeal will continue to be funded. Click Here for more information.

What is the difference between this Campaign and the CDA?2018-10-23T21:03:01+00:00

The major difference between the CDA and the Campaign is that the CDA allows for immediate needs for the day-to-day operations of nearly 75 ministries. The campaign allows our Bishop to respond to the extraordinary growth of the diocese through needs outside the scope of the CDA.

Don’t we already support seminarians through the CDA?2017-02-01T16:03:35+00:00

While our annual Charity and Development Appeal supports a large percentage of the total cost of a seminarians education, the campaign seeks to meet future needs (an increase in men and an increase in the cost of education) so many more young men can answer the call freely.

Why does the Diocese pay for seminarian education?2017-02-01T16:02:55+00:00

The time a young man spend in seminary (usually 6-9 years) is an intense period of study, prayer, and human formation that does not afford the freedom for outside employment or income. By supporting our seminarians, we allow the young man to focus solely on his vocation.

What if I am already giving to my parish?2017-02-01T16:00:14+00:00

We are thankful for your ongoing support to the parish, and for your commitment to what the Church asks of us. On that same note, we are also called to help our greater community, and our parish is part of a larger community we call that Diocese. Bishop Olmsted is asking every Catholic in our Diocese to consider a sacrificial gift which is above and beyond our normal giving in order to respond to the extraordinary needs of the Church.

How is seminary like attending college? How is it different?2017-02-01T16:02:28+00:00

Like college, Seminarians receive accredited degrees in both Philosophy and Theology. Through a program of classes, field education, and practical applications, a young man learns to become a great priest. Unlike traditional college, however, the seminarian lives in constant community: eating meals, praying, and receiving daily support from other men on the path to priesthood.

How will the funds be used at my parish?2021-07-01T16:17:09+00:00

Each pastor and pastoral team will work hard to identify the unique needs of the parish. These will range from programs for evangelization to construction projects aimed at comfort and hospitality each and every Sunday. Out of every dollar raised, 35% will be given to the parish for these projects!

How much does it cost to conduct the campaign?2017-01-30T16:36:51+00:00

The total cost is approximately seven cents for every dollar raised. This includes professional services, production and distribution of materials, fundraising counsel, pledge redemption costs, postage, and other expenses.

When will parishes and missions receive their 35% share?2017-01-30T16:36:44+00:00

Parishes and missions will receive semi-annual disbursements following the end of their parish campaign.

Does my parish benefit from the campaign?2017-01-30T16:36:35+00:00

Thirty-five cents of every dollar received from the parish campaign is shared with the parishes and missions.

Are gifts to this Campaign tax deductible?2017-01-30T16:35:27+00:00

Yes. All gifts are deductible as allowed by law.

How should subsequent financial gifts be made?2017-01-30T16:40:23+00:00

Donors may choose to pay pledge balances monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Reminders will be sent according to the pledge redemption schedule the donor specifies.

Where do I send my financial gift?2018-10-23T21:01:42+00:00

All gifts should be mailed to:

Diocese of Phoenix – Together Campaign
400 E. Monroe Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004-2336

Can I pay a portion or all my pledge with stock?2017-01-30T16:35:05+00:00

Yes. The Office of Mission Advancement will assist donors with the forms necessary for the transfer of stock.

Why am I asked to sign a pledge card?2017-01-30T16:34:59+00:00

Parishioners are asked to sign pledge cards so that the gift may be accurately and appropriately documented, acknowledged and to ensure that payment reminders are sent timely.

Why are parishioners asked to pledge different amounts?2017-01-30T16:34:55+00:00

We understand that each family has different financial means and responsibilities so we are asking every family in the Diocese of Phoenix to consider a sacrificial gift to the campaign.

Our family’s financial situation doesn’t allow us to consider a pledge at the level requested. What should we do?2017-01-30T16:40:48+00:00

We do not know the details about your family’s financial situation, but we encourage you to consider a pledge to this campaign that best complements your ability for sacrificial giving.

Will my donation to the campaign be used for anything other than the campaign case components?2017-01-30T16:40:44+00:00

Bishop Olmsted has gone to great lengths to ensure that the funds raised will be used exclusively for the campaign case components. Policies guiding this campaign have been reviewed by a Clergy and Religious Campaign Council, Chief Financial Officer, the Office of Mission Advancement and a third part independent financial auditor.

How were the parish campaign goals determined?2017-01-30T16:34:38+00:00

Parish/mission campaign goals were established by taking the average of three years of ordinary Sunday plate income and multiplying it by 150 percent.

What is the difference between the Charity and Development Appeal (CDA) and this Campaign?2017-01-30T16:34:33+00:00

The CDA generates funds for the operation and sustainability of diocesan ministries and apostolates. The Campaign will raise funds for the long-term, extraordinary needs of the both the Diocese and parishes.

What is the difference between the Campaign and Offertory collection?2018-10-23T21:03:56+00:00

The Campaign seeks to address the most extraordinary needs throughout the Diocese. The offertory collection provides for the operating costs of individual parishes and missions. This campaign enables us to provide a stronger foundation to serve our church.

How do Catholic Schools stack up against public, private, and charter schools?2017-01-26T23:07:10+00:00

Catholic school students work hard.  Nationwide, 99% graduate high school.  97% go on to post secondary school  or the military.

Catholic school graduates rate among some of the highest scholarship recipients for colleges and universities because of their scholastic averages.

Catholic school graduates are ranked #1 in the percentage of grads who actively participate in civic and community activities such as charitable giving, voting,  volunteering and the like.

Catholic school graduates have a strong spiritual and moral foundation.  They are good for the family,  good for the community and good for businesses.

Is it close to other Catholic high schools?2017-02-01T16:10:12+00:00

John Paul II High School is located in Avondale, Arizona on property adjacent to St. Thomas Aquinas parish. It is 20 miles from Bourgade Catholic Preparatory, and aims to bring meaningful Catholic education within proximity of thousands of eligible families.

Which schools will receive funding?2017-02-01T16:26:01+00:00

The various strategic planning committees for the Diocese of Phoenix, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, and the Vicar General will discuss the needs of the various schools and make recommendations to Bishop.

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